Monday, June 28, 2021

3 Little Known Facts about Air filters

The most common problem with HVAC systems is poor maintenance of air filters. Dirty air filters do more harm than good. Since air filters suck in dirt particles, it is extremely important to replace them after a certain point of time. Otherwise these dirt particles block the HVAC system and create damages. 

However, many people still face problems with their HVAC filters Roseau after replacing them in every interval. So here are few things that you should know for buying the right kind of filter for your system.

AirGuard filters in Minnesota

HVAC Air Filters Are Not Air Purifiers:

Many people get this wrong that the purpose of air filters is to improve the air quality. Unlike an air purifier, an air filter is meant to safeguard a system’s HVAC content from dirt particles and debris.

Many filter manufacturers insist that their Accumulair filters in Minnesotato remove allergens, dust particles and improve air quality. But a filter’s main purpose is to protect the system itself.


Home air filters Minnesota

Knowing the MERV Rating Is Important:

MERV or the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value rating is used to measure the efficiency of rate of an air filter. Whether an air filter is able to block dust particles from entering an HVAC system can be understood from the MERV rating. If the MERV rating is higher, it can filter smaller particles. So, the higher its rating, the more efficiency it shows.


Air filters delivered in USA

Highly Efficient Filters Are Not Always Good for Your System:

It’s often seen that highly efficient AC filters in Roseau have slowed down the air flow in HVAC systems. These can actually lower the efficiency of the system. As a result, they can raise the electricity consumption and also damage the unit.

So, it’s advisable to choose an air filter based on your air conditioning system’s requirements.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Should You Buy an Air Filter for Your HVAC System?

Ever since the Covid-19 pandemic hit us, we aren’t stepping outside our home unless it’s absolutely necessary. So it is very important now to check the quality of indoor air. An accumulair custom air filter does just that. It filters out all the impurities and freshen up the room so that you can breathe well. Dust, pollens, molds and other such allergens affect the respiratory system and can aggravate lungs diseases.

Now, you may ask the question- is an air filter an effective solution to remove air pollutants? The answer is yes, to an extent. Let’s find out to know how it works and if it’s worth installing in your home.


HVAC System

How it Works:

An air filter absorbs impurities present in the air such as dust particles, pollens, toxins and all such pollutants and purifies the air. Unlike a humidifier or an essential oil diffuser, it removes particles from the air.

There can be different types of dustlock home filters available in the market. Depending on your home’s requirement, you can get one for your HVAC system. There is also a negative ion releasing air filter. It attracts positive ionized particles in order to neutralize the air. However, with this type of air filter there is a possibility of ozone gas emission.



Benefits of Having an Air Filter:

People suffering from asthma or allergies will get a lot of relief with this solution. Medicines can cure the disease but an air filter will root out the source of the disease. So with continued use of geothermal air filters, there will be lesser chances of having asthma problem and allergic reactions.



Where It Doesn’t Work:

An air filter tends to be more effective when it is combined with an air purifier. Also the size of the filter matters. It depends on the size of your HVAC system as well. The filter only removes air particles but doesn’t help with dust particles resting on the surface areas like sofa, carpets, rugs, furniture, etc. So even after getting an air filter, it’s essential to keep the surface areas clean as well so that your indoor air quality is maintained.